I'm delighted that Jane Campion's now Dame Jane . Here are my other local highlights from 2015. What have I missed? Those who spoke out in support of gender equity in allocation of film funding Karin Williams, Briar Grace-Smith, Libby Hakaraia, Chelsea Winstanley at the Big Screen Symposium (photo: @multinesia on tumblr) This is undoubtedly the highlight of my ten years' thinking and writing about this issue, as well as of 2015. First, at the annual Big Screen Symposium, producer/director Chelsea Winstanley made unequivocal statements about the need for gender equity in New Zealand Film Commission's allocation of taxpayer funding. Huge respect to Chelsea, the first high-flying New Zealand woman director/ producer to speak up publicly and staunchly on this issue, except for Dame Jane. May others join her in 2016. Then two men directors spoke out, writer/director Jonathan King and actor/writer/director Jemaine Clement...
The Development Project's blog— For women who make movies. And for the people who love them. Globally.