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Showing posts from February, 2017

NZ Update #4: Writers & Directors A-Z

This is the final part of a 4-Part NZ Update series and is easier to read over on Medium . Part 1 was Gender Breakthrough in New Zealand Film Commission Funding . Part 2 was a letter to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Women, Paula Bennett , about the New Zealand Screen Production Grant. Part 3: WIFTNZ . New Zealand women who write and direct long-form screen works – many of them also actors – are blossoming. Five years ago, if I created this kind of list, I would have been confident that I included most of them. And because there were so few women whose work reached cinemas I also found it straightforward to offer to interview them all. Those things are no longer true. It was a fine moment when I realised I could (just about) do an A-Z of those I do know about. A less fine moment when I realised that it would take me all year to make it comprehensive: I haven't got enough time to do that. So how did I compile this list? It's arbitrary and a little random. I tho...