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Film funding & philanthropy

Erica & I are creating a new business plan for Development-the-movie, taking into account all we've learned over the last year.

It's involved a lot of research, to be sure we're up-to-date. Often we have to try to reconcile conflicting information, and wish we had more access to people in other parts of the world whose knowledge and experience would make us better informed. So it was very useful to see this interview with Terry Lawler, executive director of New York Women in Film & Television, which has a special resonance for us, working away under our charitable umbrella (thank you, Victoria Foundation).

We feel that we can trust Terry's conclusions. Especially when we know, for instance, that Arwen Curry has 'a long way to go' with funding for her film about Ursula Le Guin, which will have a huge audience. And when we see that Afia Nathaniel's Neither the Veil Nor the Four Walls, a thriller set in Pakistan, an exciting non-profit project with powerful partners, is also still seeking funding. But we'd love to hear from anyone who can provide more information, for us and for the other filmmakers who use this blog.

A big thank you to Philanthropy Front and Center New York for this clip, via its Philantopic Digest, and for another related blog post.


  1. Great interview! Yes, the hardest thing about making a film is finding the funding. For me for one such film I spent 7 years... I worked it out for the total budget of the film and decided that I made about 12 cents per hour. Why do I keep doing it then? Because I love to make movies.


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