Best opening day, best opening weekend for a doco in New Zealand, ever, according to an article on the big idea/ te aria nui (home of NZ's creative community, I read it with enthusiasm, every week).
Just for fun, I looked at how Mamma Mia went in New Zealand cinemas, on Box Office Mojo. Its opening weekend here ranks at 65, way down the list. BUT its final gross was THIRD, behind Lord of the Rings: Return of the King and Shrek 2.
So I'm cheering. Because I love Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls and because it may provide a local example of a 'women's' film that opens comparatively slowly (though wonderfully for a doco) and then goes for it. If that happens, it should help all New Zealand women filmmakers.
Here's another pic of them, by Sally Tagg, to celebrate.
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