Filmmaker Kate Kaminski founded the now-legendary Bluestocking Series , of films with complex female protagonists that pass the Bechdel Test. Her ideas in this piece are American-oriented, but they inspire me to consider similar stories set in New Zealand. Maybe they'll inspire you too, wherever you are? by Kate Kaminski Yesterday I was asked by @Winstonwrites on Twitter “What female-driven films would you like to see in 2015?” Because discovering films driven by complex female protagonists are a personal obsession, I knew immediately if I tackled this question, it would take much more than 140 characters so here we are. But I still had to narrow the topic down. As somebody who sees stories wherever she looks, let’s just say, I have enough story/novel/film ideas scribbled on bits of paper to fill several notebooks. I also run a women’s film festival called Bluestocking Film Series and this year, one of our short film categori...
The Development Project's blog— For women who make movies. And for the people who love them. Globally.